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to use other markers for thromboemboli that detect molecules or
their epitopes that are present only in clot.
4.3. Alternative
Methods for the
Measurement of
Stein et al. ( 5 ) identifi ed microthromboemboli in histological
sections of human brains obtained at autopsy from patients
dying of SAH. Primary antibodies to antithrombin III were used,
which would detect free antithrombin III as well as antithrombin
III bound in protease complexes. Microthrombus formation
has been assessed by intravital microscopy in a variety of condi-
tions including after traumatic brain injury in mice ( 10 ). This
method might be valuable for determining if the clots are emboli
or thrombi.
1. Suzuki S, Suzuki M, Iwabuchi T, Kamata Y
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internal carotid artery associated with persistent
primitive trigeminal artery. No Shinkei Geka
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Shimizu T, Iwabuchi T (1990) Cerebral micro-
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4. Neil-Dwyer G, Lang DA, Doshi B, Gerber CJ,
Smith PW (1994) Delayed cerebral ischaemia:
the pathological substrate. Acta Neurochir
5. Stein SC, Browne KD, Chen XH, Smith DH,
Graham DI (2006) Thromboembolism and
delayed cerebral ischemia after subarachnoid
hemorrhage: an autopsy study. Neurosurgery
6. Vergouwen MD, Vermeulen M, Coert BA, Stroes
ES, Roos YB (2008) Microthrombosis after
aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: an addi-
tional explanation for delayed cerebral ischemia.
J Cereb Blood Flow Metab 28:1761-1770
7. Suzuki H, Sato S, Suzuki Y, Oka M, Tsuchiya
T, Iino I, Yamanaka T, Ishihara N, Shimoda S
(1990) Endothelin immunoreactivity in cere-
brospinal fl uid of patients with subarachnoid
haemorrhage. Ann Med 22:233-236
8. Sabri M, Ai J, Tariq A, Jeon H, Shang X,
Macdonald RL (2010) Uncoupling of endothe-
lial nitric oxide synthase after experimental sub-
arachnoid hemorrhage. J Cereb Blood Flow
Metab 31:190-199
9. Ruifrok AC, Katz RL, Johnston DA (2003)
Comparison of quantifi cation of histochemical
staining by hue-saturation-intensity (HSI)
transformation and color-deconvolution. Appl
Immunohistochem Mol Morphol 11:85-91
10. Schwarzmaier SM, Kim SW, Trabold R, Plesnila
N (2010) Temporal profi le of thrombogenesis in
the cerebral microcirculation after traumatic brain
injury in mice. J Neurotrauma 27:121-130
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