Biology Reference
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Dissecting instruments (forceps, retractors, scissors—including
micro-scissor like the Vanna Spring Scissor No 15002-08 from
Fine Science Tools for cutting the dura and vessels).
Stereotaxic frame.
Micro drill and drill bits.
Micromanipulators for placement of electrodes and measuring
Perfusion pump (for aCSF superfusion/drug application).
Monitoring :
Homeothermic blanket system with temperature probe.
Pressure transducer and cable (e.g.: BLPR2, WPI).
General-purpose amplifi er.
CO 2 analyzer (e.g.: CapStar-100 End-Tidal CO2 analyzer; CWE).
Personal computer with data acquisition system.
Blood gas analyzer.
Special equipment :
Microelectrodes (see below and Chap. 29 ) .
Amplifi er, AD converter, and data acquisition/analyzing software
for electrophysiological recordings.
rCBF measuring device (see below).
2.2. Artifi cial
Cerebrospinal Fluid
aCSF should be prepared freshly on the day of the experiment. We
use aCSF in a composition of (in mM) 152 Na + , 3 K + , 1.5 Ca 2+ , 1.2
Mg 2+ , 24.5 HCO 3 , 135 Cl , 6.7 urea, and 3.7 glucose. The aCSF
is equilibrated with a gas mixture containing 6.6% O 2 , 5.9% CO 2 ,
and 87.5% N 2 to yield a pH of 7.38-7.40, a p O 2 between 110-
125 mmHg, and a p CO 2 of 35-39 mmHg (substances from Sigma
Aldrich, Germany, for example).
Ion-sensitive microelectrodes are used to measure extracellular ion
concentration changes [K + , Ca 2+ , Na + , Cl , tetrapropylammonium
(size of the extracellular space) or pH] in conjunction with mea-
surement of the intracortical, extracellular direct current (DC)
potential and high-frequency local fi eld potentials (measured
against a reference electrode (Ag/AgCl wire or 5-mm disc elec-
trode) placed subcutaneously in the neck) (Fig. 1 ). Fabrication of
ion-selective glass microelectrodes is described in Chap. 29 . If ion
changes are not of interest, single-barrel electrodes can be used for
electrophysiological recordings of the extracellular fi eld potential.
In case of an intact dura preparation, epidural high-frequency elec-
trocorticogram (ECoG) and DC potential can be measured with a
simple Ag/AgCl wire attached to the dura. A polyethylene tube is
2.3. Microelectrodes
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