Biology Reference
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4.6. Day 6: Water
1. As with the activity test (see Note 2), record the trial on video
and measure distance moved with a rolling ruler during play-
back if a video tracking system is unavailable. If using a video
tracking system, similar concerns regarding contrast, lighting,
and early setup apply.
2. The general purpose of the cued water maze task is to provide
a baseline against which the much more diffi cult spatial test
performance may be compared.
3. Defi cits in the cued water maze suggest that the animal will also
perform poorly on the spatial trials. A useful approach to this
problem is to remove animals that did not perform in the cued
task from the analysis of spatial data (if sample sizes permit).
Although sample size may be reduced, you will end up with a
subset of animals that can see, swim, and are motivated to escape
the water (all prerequisites for performance on the spatial task).
4. Examples and variations in published literature ( 9, 11, 15 ).
4.7. Day 7: Water
1. Other viable tests of spatial/relational learning and memory
include the Barnes maze and the forced-choice t-maze
2. Individual trials may be categorized according to the presumed
“strategy” and group differences in strategy use can be deter-
mined ( 19, 20 )
3. Examples and variations in published literature ( 9, 11, 15 )
1. Crawley J (2007) What's wrong with my
mouse? 2nd edn. Wiley, Hobeken, NJ
2. Fan LW, Lin S, Pang Y, Lei M, Zhang F,
Rhodes PG, Cai Z (2005) Hypoxia-ischemia
induced neurological dysfunction and brain
injury in the neonatal rat. Behav Brain Res
3. Jevtovic-Todorovic V, Hartman RE, Izumi Y,
Benshoff ND, Dikranian KT, Zorumski CF,
Olney J, Wozniak DF (2003) Early exposure
to common anesthetic agents causes wide-
spread neurodegeneration in the developing
rat brain and persistent learning defi cits.
J Neurosci 23:876-882
4. Wozniak DF, Hartman RE, Boyle MP, Vogt
SK, Brooks AR, Tenkova T, Young C, Olney J,
Muglia LJ (2004) Apoptotic neurodegenera-
tion induced by ethanol in neonatal mice is
associated with profound learning/memory
defi cits in juveniles followed by progressive
functional recovery in adults. Neurobiol Dis
5. Bouet V, Boulouard M, Toutain J, Divoux D,
Bernaudin M, Schumann-Bard P, Freret T
(2009) The adhesive removal test: a sensitive
method to assess sensorimotor defi cits in mice.
Nat Protoc 4:1560-1564
6. Izumi Y, Kitabayashi R, Funatsu M, Izumi M,
Yuede C, Hartman RE, Wozniak DF, Zorumski
CF (2005) A single day of ethanol exposure
during development has persistent effects on
bi-directional plasticity, N-methyl-D-aspartate
receptor function and ethanol sensitivity.
Neuroscience 136:269-279
7. Khuchua Z, Wozniak DF, Bardgett ME, Yue
Z, McDonald M, Boero J, Hartman RE, Sims
H, Strauss AW (2003) Deletion of the
N-terminus of murine map2 by gene targeting
disrupts hippocampal ca1 neuron architecture
and alters contextual memory. Neuroscience
8. Schaefer ML, Wong ST, Wozniak DF, Muglia
LM, Liauw JA, Zhuo M, Nardi A, Hartman
RE, Vogt SK, Luedke CE, Storm DR, Muglia
LJ (2000) Altered stress-induced anxiety in
adenylyl cyclase type VIII-defi cient mice.
J Neurosci 20:4809-4820
9. Chen W, Hartman RE, Ayer R, Marcantonio
S, Kamper J, Tang J, Zhang JH (2009)
Matrix metalloproteinases inhibition provides
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