Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
2. Righting ability
Procedure . If using a video camera to assist with offl ine
scoring, start the recording. Place the animal on its back
and release while starting the stopwatch.
Variables measured . Record the time required to return to
its feet (10 s maximum).
Data interpretation . Most animals will return to their feet
very quickly. Animals that cannot return to a prone posi-
tion by ~10 s are most likely severely impaired and should
probably not be subjected to further behavioral testing.
3. Beam balance
Procedure . If using a video camera to assist with offl ine
scoring, start the recording. Place the animal on the middle
of the beam (counterbalance left facing and right facing)
and start the stopwatch.
Variables measured . Record the total distance moved (using
the ears as the “marker” for the number line labels),
number of foot placement errors, and the latency to fall off
the beam (60 s maximum).
Data interpretation . Performance on this test refl ects
sensorimotor coordination and balance. Performance
improvements with each trial represent motor learning.
4. Footfall
Procedure . If using a video camera to assist with offl ine
scoring, start the recording. Place the animal on the middle
of the apparatus and start the stopwatch.
Variables measured . Record the number of times each limb
falls through over a 1-min period.
Data interpretation . Performance on this test refl ects
sensorimotor coordination. Performance improvements
with each trial represent motor learning.
5. Inclined plane
Procedure . If using a video camera to assist with offl ine
scoring, start the recording. Elevate the apparatus to 5°
and place the animal at the top with its head facing up.
Start the stopwatch and lift the apparatus at a rate of
Variables measured . Record the angle at which the animal
starts to slip or fall.
Data interpretation . Performance on this test refl ects sen-
sorimotor coordination, with an emphasis on hind limb
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