Biology Reference
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Fig. 3. Accelerating rotarod.
The zero maze is a 10-cm wide and 100-cm outer-diameter plastic
track in the shape of a circle (or “zero”) and elevated 100 cm above
the fl oor. Walls (30 cm tall) enclose half of the track, and the other
half is open. The open halves of the maze are brightly lit. We built
our own, but a number of (albeit expensive) zero mazes are readily
available for purchase.
2.4. Day 4 (See Fig. 4 ):
Zero Maze
2.5. Day 5 (See Fig. 5 ):
Forced Swim (Rats) or
Tail Suspension (Mice)
1. Forced swim: Glass cylinders ~10 cm (for mice and young rats)
to 20 cm (for adult rats) in diameter fi lled with room-temperature
water to a depth at which the animal's hind limbs cannot touch
the bottom.
2. Tail suspension: An apparatus used to suspend the mice by
their tail (with tape) so that their nose is ~20 cm above a
padded surface. We use a small open-sided box 40 cm in height
with an eye screw in the ceiling.
2.6. Days 6-10 (See
Fig. 6 ): Water Maze
1. Metal pool (~110 cm in diameter for mice and young rats, up
to 200 cm in diameter for adult rats) fi lled with room-temperature
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