Biology Reference
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Chapter 15
Assessment of Cognitive and Sensorimotor Defi cits
Richard E. Hartman
The behavioral tests described in this chapter provide a relatively comprehensive characterization of cognitive
and/or sensorimotor defi cits in various rodent models of human neuropathology. Sensorimotor coordina-
tion (and unilateral defi cits), general activity levels, anxiety and depression-like behaviors, basic associative
learning, relational learning, short-term memory, long-term memory, and problem-solving strategy are
among the domains that can be assessed with the data collected. After initial characterization of the model,
a subset of the tests may provide a more effi cient battery for therapeutic studies using that model.
Key words: Behavior, Defi cits, Neurological, Learning, Memory, Sensory, Motor, Anxiety, Depression
1. Introduction
Behavior represents the “fi nal common pathway” of many human
disease states. For a number of reasons, rodents are frequently used
for modeling human diseases. Generally, researchers are initially
interested in demonstrating that a novel model accurately refl ects
the behavioral dysfunction observed in the human condition (e.g.,
the cognitive and/or sensorimotor disturbances that characterize
the disease). After the initial characterization of behavioral defi cits,
attention generally turns to therapeutic strategies designed to
ameliorate the defi cits. The tests described here provide a relatively
comprehensive evaluation of rodent behavior. They have been used
to publish data characterizing rodent models of anxiety, neuronal
dysfunction, Alzheimer's disease, developmental toxicology, and
brain injury, as well as demonstrations of the therapeutic effi cacy of
pre-clinical treatment strategies for neurodegenerative diseases.
The objective of this test battery is to provide a relatively compre-
hensive characterization of cognitive and/or sensorimotor defi cits
in various rodent models of human neuropathology. Sensorimotor
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