Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Procedures
EEG recording electrode . Epidural recording electrodes made from
# 0-80 × 1/8-inch stainless steel screws were placed at the following
stereotaxic coordinates (Paxinos and Watson, 1980): A-P +2.0 mm,
lateral ±3.0 mm and A-P −4.0 mm, lateral ±3.0 mm. Electrodes
were attached to a small plastic jack box, which is connected to the
EEG machine.
EP recording electrode . EP recording electrodes can be made from
either glass pipettes (containing 2 M NaCl ) or fi nal metal wire. In
our laboratory, we use a silver-ball recording electrode to measure
EP from the surface of the cerebellar cortex.
Single-unit recording electrode . Glass microelectrodes (5-10 M
3.1. Preparing
3.1.1. Recording
are fi lled with 2 M NaCl solution containing 2% pontamine sky
blue dye.
A bipolar tungsten stimulation electrode (World Precision
Instruments, Sarasota, FL) or a bipolar platinum wire (diameter
3.1.2. Stimulating
insulated by Tefl on, A-M System Inc.) stimulus electrode
(house made) is used in our laboratory for EP recordings.
Silver wire (0.025
, A-M System) coated with silver chloride is used
as reference electrode for EP and single-unit recordings. The refer-
ence electrode is wrapped with cotton soaked with 0.9% sodium
chloride and placed subcutaneously near the open skull. The reference
electrode is connected to the ground by taping it tightly onto the
ear bar of the stereotaxic frame.
3.1.3. Reference
We used the lithium/pilocarpine model in 10-week-old male
Sprague Dawley rats (approximately 160 g from Charles River
Laboratories) to induce SE following the procedure described by
Walton and Treiman ( 10 ). Rats were housed singly before surgery
with food and water available ad libitum with a 24-h diurnal light
cycle (lights on from 0700 to 1900 daily). At the time of electrode
placement, rats were anesthetized with 87 mg/kg ketamine
plus 13 mg/kg xylazine delivered by intraperitoneal injection
(IP). Epidural recording electrodes were placed at the following
stereotaxic coordinates ( 11 ): A-P +2.0 mm, lateral ±3.0 mm and
A-P −4.0 mm, lateral ±3.0 mm. The electrodes were attached to a
small plastic jack box, secured with dental acrylic, and the wound
was sutured. The animals were allowed to recover for at least 24 h
before further handling and given 1 week to recover from the
surgery before SE induction. Lithium chloride (3 mM/kg, i.p.)
was injected 12-24 h prior to the induction of SE. On the day of
the EEG recording, the rat was placed in the recording cage and
connected to a Grass-Telefactor EEG machine via a fl exible cable
suspended from the top of the cage, with an interposed commutator
3.2. Animal
3.2.1. EEG Recordings
from a Status Epilepticus
Animal Model
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