Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
To link existing text objects together, click the out port on the first object, and
then click on the path of the object that will receive the overflow text. (Keep
your eye on the cursor, which will change to indicate valid “drop” locations.)
You can also link objects using a menu command: Select both objects and
choose Type> Threaded Text> Create, and the objects become linked.
To disconnect one object from another, select the object and double-click its in
port to break the thread to a preceding object, or double-click its out port to
break the thread to a subsequent object. Alternatively, you can select the
object and click once on either the in port or the out port . Then click on the
other end of the thread to break the link.
To release an object from a text thread, select it, then choose Type> Threaded
Text> Release Selection. Or, to remove the threading from an object while
leaving the text in place, select it and choose Type> Threaded Text> Remove
Ports defined
Your text in port and out port indicators will change to reflect different situations:
• A red plus sign in the out port means the object contains overflow text .
• An arrow in the in port means the object is threaded to a preceding text object, and text is
flowing into the object.
• An arrow in the out port means the object is threaded to a subsequent text object, and text is
flowing out of the object.
Making one text block of many
To join separate Area text boxes or Point type objects, select all the text objects with any
Selection tool and copy. Then draw a new Area text box and paste. Text will flow into the box,
in the stacking order in which it had appeared on the page. (It doesn't matter if you select
graphic elements with your text—these elements won't be pasted.)
Sandee Cohen
Text wrapping is controlled as an object attribute and is set specifically for
each object that will have Area type wrapped around it. These wrap objects
affect only Area type objects that are both within the same layer, and directly
beneath it in the Layers panel, and do not affect Point type or Path type. To
make a selected object into a wrap object choose Object> Text Wrap> Make.
To change options for the wrap object, keep it selected and choose Object>
Text Wrap> Text Wrap Options. Here, you'll choose the amount of offset; you
also have the option to choose Invert Wrap, which reverses the side of the
object that text wraps around.
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