Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Richard Perez
To add warmth to his crisp vector objects, San Francisco-based illustrator Richard
Perez often adds just a few touches of texture. Sometimes his textures are scans,
while other times he creates textures out of repeating Illustrator objects. Depending
on where and how he wants to add texture, he applies and constrains it using
opacity masks or clipping masks. Perez often begins with a muted, restricted color
palette and builds the basics of his image using mostly the Rectangle, Ellipse, and
Polygon tools. He uses the Direct Selection tool to select points to delete or move,
creating some open objects and elongating others, often constraining movement to
180°, 90°, and 45° axes. Though he sometimes combines objects using Path-
finder> Unite, often he keeps objects separate (such as the half-ovals that form the
clouds), so he can make subtle adjustments to positioning.
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