Graphics Programs Reference
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Drag the color stop for the inner object toward the transparent
stop to make the object larger; drag the dia-
mond to alter the size of the glow
2 Creating a glow for a circular object from an object blend. With a pale yellow Fill color,
choose a stroke of None, and draw a circle (Shift-drag with the Ellipse tool). With
Smart Guides on (View menu), move your cursor over the circle until you see the
word “center,” hold down Option/Alt, and Shift-drag out a new, smaller circle. Set
the Opacity of the larger circle to 0%. Select both circles and choose Object> Blend>
Make ( -Option-B/CtrlAlt-B); then double-click the Blend tool in the toolbox to ad-
just the steps. For this example, somewhere between 20 and 30 steps makes a very
glowing moon.
Creating a blend between two circles with one set to 0% Opacity
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