Graphics Programs Reference
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On the left, the paths for two sections of rope; on the right, the
paths after choosing Object> Path> Outline
Stroke, filling them with orange, and then ap-
plying Inner Glow to the fills
The Inner Glow dialog
Where each rope section was cut off by another object, Hamann masked the rope by
the edge of the other objects' strokes. He decided that drawing the masks by hand
would be precise enough for the resolution of a web graphic. To mask the rope where
it joined the fist, for example, Hamann drew a shape with the Pen tool that loosely
surrounded the rope except for where the rope was cut off by the fist. For that area,
he drew the path of the masking shape by hand along the edge of the fist's blue
stroke. Finally, he selected the masking shape and the rope and chose Object>
Clipping Mask> Make.
3 Drawing the tube. For the tube draped over the angel's left arm, Hamann drew a yel-
low-filled path for the tube's outer edge and another path for the tube's center hole.
He selected both objects and chose Object> Compound Path> Make. To form shad-
ows, he copied the compound path and used Paste in Front, then filled this duplicate
with a darker yellow. With the duplicate still selected, Hamann used the Scissors tool
to make two cuts on the right side of the outer edge, then selected and deleted the
outer left edge of the compound path. Next, he used the Pen tool to redraw the shad-
ow path between the two open points. When he completed the path, he filled it with
a darker yellow and then chose Effect> Stylize> Feather, changed the feather radius
to 0.05, and clicked OK. Hamann finished by drawing highlight shapes and pasting
an-other duplicate of the tube in front, changing its fill to None and stroke to dark
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