Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Perspective Shits
Locking Station Point to Auto-Update Art
Advanced Technique
Overview: Create the illusion of 3D space; attach a variety of objects to a box; use Lock Sta-
tion Point so that objects in the grid automatically adjust with changes of perspective.
Aaron McGarry, an illustrator working for the high-tech industry in California, is
often called upon to create prototypes in simulated 3D perspective. Using the Lock
Station Point feature he's now able to adjust his perspective grid after his prototypes
are in place, and the objects within the grid will update automatically.
1 Creating the basic artwork. McGarry used the default Two-Point perspective grid to
begin building his prototype box. Drawing directly on the grid, he used the Rectangle
tool to draw both sides of a box; he applied a gradient to the strokes of both filled rec-
tangles to give the box “weight.” On a layer below he created the illusion of a cast
shadow by drawing another rectangle, then softened the edges with a blur effect (Ef-
fect> Blur> Gaussian Blur). To increase the illusion of 3D space, he applied a gradi-
ent to another rectangle on the bottom layer.
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