Graphics Programs Reference
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3 Saving color groups and pattern swatches. Applying a saved color group will only give
predictable results when applied to the original pattern (not the one you just
created), so as you save a group in RA, be careful to include the name of the original
pattern swatch in the color group's name. To save a pattern variation, click OK in RA,
then click Save a Copy on the Pattern Isolation Mode bar. Name your pattern in the
pop-up, and from this point forward, that swatch will retain both the palette and the
color assignment. Remember you can still create a color group from a pattern swatch
after exiting RA by following the instructions given in the first part of this lesson.
Naming color groups to keep them associated with their pattern
Reinhart's new colorway after creating a new color group with the
same number of colors as the original, then
applying and refining the color assignments
in Recolor Artwork
Dragging colors in the New column to swap their assignment
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