Graphics Programs Reference
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Custom Coloring
Creating Custom Colors & Color Groups
Overview: Create an illustration; create custom swatches; create a custom color group from
custom swatches; save a swatch library.
Ryan Putnam designs many illustrations he uses as icons in stock art and client
projects. Creating custom swatches is an integral step in creating compelling and
consistent icon illustrations. Illustrator comes with some great default color
swatches, but they are not suited for most of Putnam's icon illustrations. Moreover,
by creating a custom color group, Putnam can easily apply his custom swatches to
other related illustrations.
1 Creating an icon illustration. To create the “Destination” icon, Putnam used the Rec-
tangle tool, Ellipse tool, and Pencil tool. Putnam first created the buildings of the
icon with varying sizes of rectangles with the Rectangle tool. He then used the Ellipse
tool to create windows and awnings for the buildings. Next, he used the Pencil tool to
draw the mountains. To distinguish the objects from each other, Putnam filled the
building and mountain paths with default swatches from the Swatches panel by se-
lecting each object and clicking the desired swatch.
Creating an icon with the Rectangle tool, Ellipse tool, and Pencil
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