Graphics Programs Reference
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Dragging to unite the shapes that make up the bottom of the bowl; then deleting side
pieces on foot and top shape (cursors magnified)
2 Completing the composition. You can select each shape (which is now a sepa-
rate object) and recolor the bowl, and you can even marquee-select all the ob-
jects and set the Stroke to None. To quickly place a background behind all
objects, select the Draw Behind drawing mode, either by clicking its icon in
the Tools panel, or by pressing Shift-D until you see the icon. Draw rectan-
gles for the background objects. (Steuer drew one rectangle filled with the
Plaid 2 Pattern, and another with blue.)
Recoloring the bowl with the Grays swatch group; then choosing None for the ob-
jects' stroke
3 Finishing touches on the bowl. Select one bowl object (you can only select one
at a time), along with the Brush tool, and choose Draw Inside mode (Shift-D),
which places dotted corners around the object. Deselect the object and load
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