Graphics Programs Reference
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Using Live Paint, small Swatch groups, and the left and right arrow keys to select
new colors while filling faces with the Live Paint Bucket
To ensure he wouldn't accidentally color a stroke when he only wanted to fill
a face on the buildings, Del Vechio double-clicked on the Live Paint Bucket
tool and disabled Paint Strokes in the dialog. After he filled the main areas of
the buildings, he created a gradient for the lights in the windows. In order to
paint some of the strokes (but not all), he again opened the Live Paint dialog
to enable Paint Strokes and disable Paint Fills. He then selected all the
Strokes and set their weight to None. With the Stroke weight set to 0.75 pt
and choosing various brown colors, he selectively filled some strokes around
the windows and doors. Although the strokes were now invisible, Live Paint
would highlight them when his cursor passed over them.
Finally Del Vechio reset the Live Paint Bucket Options to Paint for both Fills
and Strokes, then recolored some of the areas and edges to complete his
whimsical cityscape.
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