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Table 2. Taxonomy of Search Based Software Engineering Problems - SOFTWARE
1. Software Development Stage(s)
(a) Software Planning
(b) Requirement Engineering
(c) Software Design
(d) Implementation/Coding
(e) Integration
(f) Testing/Validation
(g) Deployment
(h) Maintenance
2. Software Development Model(s)
(a) Waterfall Model
(b) Spiral Model
(c) Iterative and Incremental Development
(d) Agile Development
3. Main Subject Descriptor(s)
(a) Subject Descriptors under SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (D.2), in the
1998 ACM Computing Classification System.
4. Main Implicit Subject Descriptor(s)
(a) Implicit Subject Descriptors under SOFTWARE ENGINEERING
(D.2), in the 1998 ACM Computing Classification System.
For the OPTIMISATION Perspective, other six Dimensions are defined.
1. The “Objective Space Dimensionality” is descriptive of the number of
objective functions present in the formulation.
2. “The Instance Space Characterisation” Dimension evaluates the prob-
lem variables as continuous or discrete.
3. Next, “Constrained” accounts for the presence of restrictions.
4. “Problem Linearity” indicates, for both objective and restriction func-
tions, their linearity.
5. The following Dimension, “Base NPO Problem Type(s)” , attempts to
extract the problem category, using the classification proposed by Garey and
Johnson [34] and employed in the Compendium of NP Optimisation Prob-
lems [22]. The general types present in the Compendium are: Graph The-
ory, Network Design, Sets and Partitions, Storage and Retrieval, Sequencing
and Scheduling, Mathematical Programming, Algebra and Number Theory,
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