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for Eiffel, to gain insights on three questions: (1) the actual branch coverage achieved
by testing Eiffel classes with AutoTest, (2) whether the achieved branch coverage corre-
lates with the number of bugs found in the code, (3) whether branch coverage is a good
stopping criterion for random testing. Despite the popularity of both random testing and
branch coverage, there is little data available on the topic.
We t e s t e d
Eiffel classes using our fully automated random testing tool AutoTest
hour long. For
each run, we recorded the exercised branches and faults detected over time. The main
results are:
hours. AutoTest tested each class in
runs with each run
- Random testing reaches
branch coverage on average.
- Different test runs with different seeds for the pseudo-random number generator of
the same class exercise almost the same branches, but detect different faults.
- At the beginning of the testing session, branch coverage and faults both increase
dramatically and are strongly correlated.
of all the exercised branches are exercised in the first
minutes. After
minutes, the branch coverage level increases slowly. After
minutes, branch cov-
erage further increases by only
- Over
- There is a weak correlation between number of faults found and coverage over the
of faults are detected after
hours of testing.
The main implication of these results is that branch coverage is an inadequate stopping
criterion for random testing. As AutoTest conveniently builds test suites randomly as
it tests the code, the branch coverage achieved at any point in time corresponds to the
branch coverage of the test suite built since the beginning of the testing session. Be-
cause there is a strong correlation between faults uncovered and branch coverage when
coverage increases, higher branch coverage implies uncovering more faults. However,
half of the faults can be further discovered with hardly any increase in coverage. This
confirms that branch coverage by itself is not in general a good indicator of the quality
of a test suite.
A package is available online 2 containing the source code of the AutoTest tool and
instructions to reproduce the experiment.
Section 2 describes the design of our experiment. Section 3 presents our results. We
discuss the results in Section 4 and the threats to validity in Section 5. We present related
work in Section 6 and conclude in Section 7.
Experiment Design
The experiment on which we base our results consists in running automated random
testing sessions of Eiffel classes. We first describe contract-based unit testing for object-
oriented (O-O) programs, then introduce AutoTest, and present the classes under test,
the testing time and the computing infrastructure.
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