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Explore( p , I , O ):
is a program , a set of statements ( f, g )
is the set of initial states
is the set of safe states
if S ⊆ O return INCORRECT
S := Post( p, S )
S ⊆ S
return CORRECT
S ∪ S
Fig. 2. Full exhaustive state space exploration
Figure 2 drafts the skeleton of the approach to full exhaustive state space
exploration, which can be considered either the ideal exhaustive testing (if the
program is deterministic) or explicit-state model checking (if the program is non-
deterministic) 1 . The procedure relies on the definition of the post-states trans-
former Post : P
( S ) that is defined as:
Post( p, S ) de =
( S )
s p
s }
for S
S .
Intuitively, Post( p, S ) contains all and only the successors of some state in S ,ac-
cording to p
. The reachable state space of p starting fron I is k≥ 0 Post k ( p, I ),
where Post 0 ( p, I ) de = I and Post k +1 ( p, I ) de =Post( p, Post k ( p, I )) . This can be seen
as the least fixpoint of the function 2 f ( S ) de =Post( p, S )
( S ). The
procedure calculates this fixpoint by iterating through a loop which, at the n -th
iteration, calculates into the variable S the underapproximation of the reachable
I :
( S )
state space 0 ≤k<n
Post k ( p, I ) and performs two termination checks. The loop is
structured as follows:
Check for failure: if S contains a failure state, the procedure stops and returns
Compute successors: the successors of S are calculated and stored in S ;
Check for success: if all the successors are already in S , then the whole state
space has been explored without finding a failure state: The procedure stops
and returns CORRECT ;
Update the computation state: The successors are added to S , yielding
Post k ( p, I ) .
0 ≤k<n +1
1 A program is deterministic whenever | Post( p, {s} ) |≤ 1.
2 The fact is easily proved by taking into account that Post preserves union, i.e.,
Post( p, S ∪ S )=Post( p, S ) Post( p, S ).
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