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Space of all possible solutions
(a) A climb to a local optimum
Space of all possible solutions
(b) A restart resulting in a climb to the global optimum
Fig. 3. Hill Climbing seeks to improve a single solution, initially selected at random,
by iteratively exploring its neighbourhood (adapted from McMinn [66])
Select a starting solution s
Select s
N ( s ) such that fit ( s ) >fit ( s ) according to ascent strategy
Until fit ( s )
fit ( s ) ,
N ( s )
Fig. 4. High level description of a hill climbing algorithm, for a problem with solution
space S ; neighbourhood structure N ;and fit , the fitness function to be maximised
(adapted from McMinn [65])
Simulated Annealing (Figure 5), first proposed by Kirkpatrick et al. [56], is
similar to Hill Climbing in that it too attempts to improve one solution. How-
ever, Simulated Annealing attempts to escape local optima without the need
to continually restart the search. It does this by temporarily accepting candi-
date solutions of poorer fitness, depending on the value of a variable known
as the temperature . Initially the temperature is high, and free movement is al-
lowed through the search space, with poorer neighbouring solutions representing
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