Information Technology Reference
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The following EBNF grammar defines the set of all considered programs:
program = class declaration * root procedure declaration ;
root procedure declaration =
class name
. routine name ;
class declaration =
[ ”expanded” ] ”class” class name
”inherit” class name
[ ”create” routine name
”,” routine name
”feature” [
class name
”,” class name
feature declaration
[ ”invariant” expression ]
”end” ;
feature declaration = routine declaration
attribute declaration ;
routine declaration =
routine name [ ”(” entity declaration
”,” entity declaration
”)” ][ ”:” type ]
[ ”require” expression ]
[ ”local” entity declaration
entity declaration
( ”do”
”once” )
”;” instruction
[ ”ensure” expression ]
”end” ;
attribute declaration = entity declaration ;
entity declaration = entity name ”:” type ;
instruction =
entity name ”:=” expression
expression ”.” feature name [ ”(” expression
”,” expression
”)” ]
”create” entity name ”.” routine name [ ”(” expression
, expression
”)” ]
”if” expression ”then” instruction
”;” instruction
”else” instruction
”until” expression ”loop” instruction
”;” instruction
”end” ;
expression =
entity name
expression ”.” feature name [ ”(” expression
, expression
”)” ];
literal = boolean literal
integer literal
character literal
void literal ;
boolean literal = ”True”
”False” ;
integer literal =[
]( ”0”
| ... |
”9” )
| ... |
character literal = ' ””a”
| ... |
| ... |
| ... |
”9” ” ' ;
void literal = ”Void” ;
type =
[ detachable tag ]
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