Global Positioning System Reference
In-Depth Information
Akos, Dennis (1997) . A Software Radio Approach to Global Navigation Satellite
System Receiver Design . Ohio University, Athens, OH.
Akos, D. M., Stockmaster, M., Tsui, J. B. Y. & Caschera, J. (1999) . Direct
bandpass sampling of multiple distinct RF signals. IEEE Transactions on Com-
munications , 47(7):983-988.
Anonymous (1997) . World Geodetic System 1984, Its Definition and Relation-
ships with Local Geodetic Systems . National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 3 rd
edition, St. Louis, MO.
Anonymous (2000) . Application note: Selecting an A/D converter. Texas Instru-
ment, .
Anonymous (2005) . L1 band part of Galileo Signal in Space ICD (SIS
ICD). Galileo Joint Undertaking,
s2&idvoce=64&plugIn=1 .
Balanis, Constantine A. (1996) . Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design . John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2 nd edition, New York, NY.
Bastide, F., Akos, D., Macabiau, C. & Roturier, B. (2003) . Automatic gain
control (AGC) as an interference assessment tool. In 16th International Technical
Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation , pages 2042-2053,
Portland, OR.
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