Environmental Engineering Reference
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B. Mutualism
C. Competition
D. Herbivory
E. Parasitism
12. Organisms feed on another organism for nutrients, which also harms the organism being fed upon.
13. The algae and fungi working together in lichen, where neither organism is harmed and both benefit.
14. During a period of drought, various species are competing for the same water source.
15. The nitrogen cycle is unique in that atmospheric nitrogen cannot be converted directly by organisms
into usable nitrogen. What is necessary in order for atmospheric nitrogen to be converted to usable ni-
trogen by organisms?
A. Ammonification
B. Denitrifying bacteria
C. Nitrifying bacteria
D. Decomposition
E. Nitrogen fixation
1. E All three statements are true. Solar energy is responsible for heating the Earth and for the formation of
glucose and oxygen; it also powers the water cycle.
2. E Most energy is converted into a non-useable heat form that escapes into the environment.
3. C Choices A and D are both secondary succession. Changing rock to soil is accomplished by water, by
weathering, and by lichen; this is a long process.
4. B The hydrologic cycle, also called the water cycle, moves components of the carbon, nitrogen, and sul-
fur cycles. Phosphorus usually is not found in the atmosphere unless it is in dust particles. Nitrogen-
and sulfur-containing compounds combine with water to form acids, which fall to the Earth's surface as
acid deposition. Carbon dioxide moves between the atmosphere and bodies of water such as lakes and
oceans, where the dissolved carbon dioxide reacts with water to form carbonic acid.
5. D Cutting down trees and clearing other plants that absorb CO 2 for photosynthesis increases the amount
of CO 2 in the atmosphere. In addition, the combustion of fossil fuels and wood also increases the
amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere. The use of fertilizers and pesticides may have the opposite effect, re-
ducing CO 2 in the atmosphere, by increasing plant growth.
6. D The other answers are all true. Oxygen is the second major component of the Earth's atmosphere (21
percent), far behind nitrogen (78 percent).
7. A The other answers are all true regarding the phosphorus cycle. Living organisms need phosphorus in
their DNA and RNA molecules, as well as in the ADP-to-ATP reaction.
8. E Requiring large amounts of water in a desert environment would not benefit the plants. It would actu-
ally dramatically lower their chance of survival in an environment where water is scarce.
9. C Allopatric speciation occurs when a new species is created over time due to a physical separation of a
population, including the changing of a river's course.
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