Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
1. Tectonic plate boundaries are an important component of geologic activity because:
A. Plate movement affects wave motion and tides.
B. Minerals form at the boundaries.
C. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and formation of mountain ranges occur here.
D. Gases are released here.
E. Weather is affected by the activity at the plate boundaries.
Questions 2-4 refer to the following answer choices.
A. Sulfur dioxide
B. Carbon dioxide
C. Hydrogen fluoride
D. Carbon monoxide
E. Hydrogen chloride
2. An atmospheric gas that can cause acid rain and increase the rate of ozone depletion.
3. An atmospheric gas that may cause bone dete- rioration, poisoning of animals, and acid rain.
4. An atmospheric gas that replaces breathable air and can lead to asphyxiation.
5. On Earth, summer occurs when:
A. The Earth is closest to the sun.
B. The sun's rays are at the steepest angle on the Earth.
C. The sun's rays are at their most direct angle to Earth.
D. The Earth is farthest from the sun.
E. The vernal equinox occurs.
6. Which is NOT a component of the water cycle?
A. Water is stored in sinks, including ice caps, oceans, rivers, and lakes.
B. The sun is a key component and acts as a power source for the water cycle.
C. The movement of nutrients is largely dependent upon the water cycle.
D. Water vapor is considered an atmospheric gas.
E. Most water is held in freshwater sources, such as rivers and lakes.
7. Which of the following has an effect on surface currents?
I. Water temperature
II. Coriolis effect
III. Winds
IV. Dissolved oxygen
V. Location of continents
A. I and II only
B. I, II, and III only
C. I, II, III, and IV only
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