Environmental Engineering Reference
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C. Discuss one environmental impact related to attaining energy from a coal-fired power plant, aside
from the effects of the mining and combustion of the coal. (1 point maximum)
• 1 point: The transport of the coal from the location of the mine to the power plant requires the use of
fossil fuels to operate trains, as do the machinery and vehicles necessary to mine the coal. The com-
bustion of fossil fuels emits carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are contributing to cli-
mate change.
• 1 point: The infrastructure necessary to build and operate the plant has an environmental impact. The
building of the power plant as well as roadways and railways all require land. This alters and des-
troys ecosystems and fragments habitats.
• 1 point: Infrastructure is necessary to carry the electricity from the plant to homes and businesses.
This requires the establishment of underground lines as well as aboveground lines. Ecosystem alter-
ation and habitat fragmentation can result from this.
D. Describe two methods to reduce home energy usage. (2 points maximum)
• 1 point: Insulation helps prevent warm air from escaping from a building during winter months and
keeps cool air inside in the summer months. This makes a building more energy efficient.
• 1 point: The addition of weather stripping around doorways to the outside reduces drafts coming in
at the doorframe.
• 1 point: Lowering the thermostat in the winter and raising it in the summer uses less energy.
• 1 point: Replacing single-pane windows with double- or triple-pane windows filled with noble gases
cuts down the exchange of hot and cold air on opposite sides of the glass.
• 1 point: Replace older appliances and equipment with more energy-efficient models. This may in-
clude water heaters, washers, dryers, dishwashers, heaters, air conditioners, stoves, and refrigerat-
• 1 point: Cut down on phantom energy loss by unplugging electrical equipment when it is not in use.
• 1 point: The addition of ceiling fans can redistribute warm air during the winter months and cool air
during the summer months.
• 1 point: Install electronic switches to turn the heater and air conditioner on and off.
• 1 point: Install dimmer switches to regulate lighting.
3. This question is worth a maximum of 10 points, as follows:
A. Explain how the carbon balance on Earth is shifting from the lithosphere or biosphere to the atmo-
sphere. (3 points maximum)
• 1 point: Fossil fuels, which come from the decomposition of dead organic matter, contain carbon and
have been sequestered in the lithosphere for millions of years.
• 1 point: Humans use fossil fuels for energy through combustion processes. This is releasing the car-
bon into the atmosphere.
• 1 point: Combustion of biomass releases carbon into the atmosphere.
• 1 point: Deforestation increases the concentration of carbon in the atmosphere because photosynthes-
is is not occurring and using carbon from the atmosphere.
• 1 point: Trees are considered carbon sinks because they store large amounts of carbon. Deforestation
releases the stored carbon into the atmosphere.
B. Describe how the carbon cycle contributes to the regulation of the Earth's temperature. (1 point max-
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