Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
C. Co-evolution
D. Symbiosis
E. Dependent evolution
79. The giant panda is one of the most visible endangered species in need of protection. Why is conserva-
tion awareness focused on a single flagship species?
A. It helps to draw attention to an ecosystem in need of protection by using a species that can capture
the public's eye.
B. It helps to protect the species most in need of protection.
C. There is not enough money available to protect all organisms, so efforts are put towards conserving
keystone species.
D. Flagship species are the main species contributing to biodiversity of an ecosystem.
E. There is not enough money available to protect all organisms, forcing efforts to focus on con-
serving the large animals.
80. How is modern population growth different from growth during the Agricultural Revolution?
A. Modern growth has high birth and death rates, while during the Agricultural Revolution birth and
death rates were both low.
B. Modern growth has a low birth rate and a high death rate, while during the Agricultural Revolution
birth and death rates were both high.
C. Modern growth has low birth and death rates, while during the Agricultural Revolution birth and
death rates were both high.
D. Modern growth has low birth and death rates, while during the Agricultural Revolution birth rates
were low and death rates were high.
E. Modern growth has high birth and death rates, while during the Agricultural Revolution birth rates
were high and death rates were low.
81. Which of the following could feasibly explain why hurricanes and tropical storms have increased in in-
tensity in recent decades?
A. Increase in tropical sea surface temperatures
B. Rising sea levels
C. Decrease in sea surface temperatures
D. Increasing levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
E. Alteration of ocean circulation patterns
Questions 82-84 refer to the following answer choices.
A. Open-pit mining
B. Subsurface mining
C. Bore mining
D. Surface mining
E. Placer mining
82. Which form of mining uses running water to separate heavier minerals from lighter minerals?
83. With this form of mining, quarries are created with terraced sides for access into the mine.
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