Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
C. National Environmental Policy Act
D. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
E. Clean Water Act
45. Called the "Superfund" Act, this law mandated a federal hazardous-waste cleanup program.
46. This law manages and monitors the movement of hazardous waste.
47. This law mandates the preparation of environmental impact statements (EISs).
48. Which of the following organisms has high biotic potential?
A. Whale
B. Human
C. Elephant
D. Frog
E. Gorilla
49. A resource manager attempts to harvest as many trees as possible without depleting the overall supply.
This is applying the concept of
A. Profit margin
B. Maximum sustainable yield
C. Adaptive management
D. Selective management
E. Ecosystem-based management
50. Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are dangerous because they
A. Remain in the environment, bio-accumulate in organisms, and bio-magnify throughout the food
B. Are considered carcinogens
C. Are corrosive and toxic
D. Persist in the environment and contribute to an increase in greenhouse gases
E. Are radioactive
51. Why has Haiti experienced repeated earthquakes throughout history?
A. The area experiences recurring volcanic eruptions.
B. The nation is on a fault line.
C. It is an island, and islands are more prone to earthquakes.
D. The sediment is unstable.
E. The island is close to the North American plate
52. Which of the following reflects why there is concern over BPA found in foods?
A. BPA is considered a carcinogen.
B. BPA is considered a teratogen.
C. BPA is considered an endocrine disruptor.
D. BPA is considered a mutagen.
E. BPA is considered an allergen.
53. What is one difficulty when conducting a cost-benefit analysis relating to an environmental action?
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