Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
• 1 point: Resilience is an ecosystem that changes due to a disturbance but eventually returns to its ori-
ginal state.
E. Discuss how humans have impacted the cycle of succession (2 points maximum):
Humans have altered ecosystems dramatically, which in turn can alter succession. Examples include:
• 1 point: Complete deforestation.
• 1 point: Timber harvesting, including sustainable methods.
• 1 point: Conversion of land for agricultural purposes.
• 1 point: Extreme erosion, which can lead to a positive feedback loop.
• 1 point: Extreme sedimentation in an aquatic environment, leading to aquatic succession.
• 1 point: Vegetation removal.
• 1 point: Fragmentation of habitats.
• 1 point: Any other reasonable human impact on succession.
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