Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
18. Organisms have evolved to survive the environment in this biome through adaptations such as spines
for protection and the ability of photosynthesis to take place in stems as opposed to leaves.
19. This biome is dominated by coniferous trees.
20. In this biome, permafrost keeps the soil frozen most of the year.
21. A company has developed a new type of pesticide. Prior to use, the company tests the health effects on
humans, wildlife, and ecosystems. Upon completion of the tests, it is determined that the pesticide is
safe and harmless. This process is an example of:
A. A cause-and-effect relationship
B. A dose-response analysis
C. The innocent-until-proven-guilty approach
D. The precautionary principle
E. Tragedy of the commons
22. A forest community remained stable and unaffected for many decades. In a dramatic turn of events, a
volcano erupted, covering the forest with lava and killing all organisms in the area. The first species to
appear on the barren lava rock was lichen, which was followed by the growth of small plants and an in-
flux of insects. Eventually, the community contained mature trees and remained stable for a long period
of time.
Which of the following best describes the order in which these events took place?
A. Disturbance, pioneer species, secondary succession, climax community
B. Climax community, disturbance, pioneer species, secondary succession
C. Disturbance, primary succession, pioneer species, climax community
D. Secondary succession, disturbance, primary succession, climax community
E. Climax community, disturbance, pioneer species, primary succession
23. One way in which scientists study climate change is through ice core samples. What information does
this tell us about the climate?
A. The impact of changing sea levels on the climate.
B. The frequency of thermal inversions in the atmosphere.
C. Greenhouse gas concentrations, atmospheric composition, and trends in atmospheric temperature.
D. The rate of the solidification of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
E. Nothing. This is not a way to study climate change.
24. Which of the following helps to create the greenhouse effect?
I. Solar radiation reflecting off the Earth's surface
II. Greenhouse gases reflecting some solar radiation back to Earth
III. Greenhouse gases emitting heat as a byproduct of chemical reactions
A. I only
B. II only
C. III only
D. I and II only
E. I, II, and III
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