Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Chapter 8: Practice Exam 1
Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions
Time: 90 minutes
100 questions
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements in this section is followed by five answer choices.
Select the best answer choice and fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
Questions 1-3 refer to the following answer choices.
A. Sulfur
B. Nitrogen
C. Carbon
D. Phosphorus
E. All four cycles
1. This nutrient is stored mainly in sediment.
2. The release of this element into the atmosphere is due, in large part, to fossil fuel combustion and defor-
3. This cycle has been altered dramatically by humans.
4. One issue with the use of freshwater aquifers in otherwise arid regions is:
A. Constant flow of water from the aquifer into a surface water source
B. Slow recharge of the aquifer
C. Intrusion of saltwater from oceans
D. Waterlogging of the soil
E. Eutrophication
5. Which of the following has shifted the storage of carbon from sediment to the atmosphere?
A. Mining of coal
B. Combustion of fossil fuels
C. Increased occurrence of acid precipitation
D. Extraction of crude oil
E. Industrial smog
6. The protective ozone layer is located in the:
A. Troposphere
B. Exosphere
C. Lithosphere
D. Stratosphere
E. Mesosphere
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