Environmental Engineering Reference
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11. A Small fibers of asbestos can get lodged in the lining of lungs. The lungs produce acid to try to get rid
of the fibers, causing scarring of tissue and decreased lung function. This alteration of the lungs can
lead to lung cancer.
12. C In the past, lead was used as an additive in gasoline, so it was emitted as a pollutant through car
emissions. Due to its toxicity, leaded gasoline is no longer used, so the main source of lead is metal pro-
cessing, including smelting, lead-acid battery manufacturers, and waste incinerators.
13. C When water is used as part of the cooling process in a factory, it gets heated due to the transfer of
heat from the energy produced by the processes. This heat transfer increases the temperature of the wa-
ter, so when the water is discharged into a local river, it creates thermal pollution, impacting the ecosys-
tem and wildlife.
14. A The marginal costs curve continues to rise after equilibrium, meaning costs are increasing. Costs as-
sociated with the production process could be one reason why the overall costs increase. For example,
the price of raw materials used in the production process could have increased or increased production
could require specialized machinery.
15. D At point A, marginal costs and marginal benefits are at equilibrium, which is where economic effi-
ciency is maximized.
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