Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
D. Switching from wood to coal as a primary energy source
E. Building of cross-country railroads
1. A Potential energy is stored energy; gasoline in the tank is stored, so it is potential energy.
2. E Only nuclear energy can include both fusion and fission.
3. C Electrical energy is the alternating current that is transmitted to homes, businesses, and other loca-
tions by power lines.
4. B As energy flows up a food chain, approximately 10 percent of the energy moves to the next level,
while the other 90 percent is heat transferred to the environment. See the following illustration.
5. B Services such as law and medicine are part of the industry sector.
6. D Petroleum is currently being used as a fuel source. The other four choices are in development or ex-
pansion to fulfill a bigger part of our energy needs.
7. A Although graphite's basic source is the same compacted carbon that creates coal, it is the final stage
beyond the three types of coal. Because it does not combust, it is not considered a fossil fuel.
8. E This question asks which is not an advantage or, put differently, "Which is a disadvantage? " Mining
coal can destroy habitats and, thus, decrease biodiversity. It also produces air pollutants, especially sul-
fur dioxide, which combines with water to form sulfuric acid, a major component of acid rain, which
can lower the pH of soil and lakes (among other consequences).
9. B This question also asks for a disadvantage. Decommissioning is a very expensive process, which
makes it a disadvantage. The others are all advantages of nuclear power.
10. B Controlling downstream flooding prevents property damage and may save lives; thus, it is an ad-
vantage of building a dam across a river. (However, some areas historically have depended on seasonal
flooding to distribute the rich topsoil used for growing crops.)
11. C Although ceiling fans use energy to operate, they help keep the house cool in the summer by improv-
ing air circulation, and they help lower energy costs.
12. E V 1 = 18 mpg and V 2 = 27.5 mpg and use the following formula:
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