Environmental Engineering Reference
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reproductively sterile because they are triploidic (having three sets of haploid genetic information), eliminat-
ing the interbreeding amongst themselves and with native, wild stocks. The company plans to sell only female
eggs and raise fish in inland systems away from the oceans. FDA studies claim that up to 5 percent of the eggs
may be fertile and the resulting fish may, in fact, be able to breed with wild-type salmon. The FDA must ap-
prove the fish for sale in the marketplace because the genes have been altered. There is some concern that these
larger genetically modified salmon could eventually displace the natural salmon.
Energy Conservation
Strategies to conserve energy are an important aspect of the AP Environmental Science exam. In the free-re-
sponse questions asking for suggestions on different ways to save energy at home, in an office building, or in
transportation. There are many energy conservation methods, which may vary in effectiveness across states and
regions of the United States, due in part to climate and cultural differences. Here is a common list of energy-
saving ideas with brief explanations:
• Add insulation to help hold in warm air in the winter and cool air in the summer, while blocking the un-
wanted heating and cooling effects of outside air.
• Add weather stripping to reduce drafts around door frames.
• Lower the thermostat in the winter and raise it in the summer to use less energy. Instead, compensate by
wearing warmer clothing in the winter and cooler clothing in the summer. Also, install thermostats on
each floor to more efficiently regulate temperature.
• Replace single-pane windows with double- or triple-pane windows filled with noble gases, which cut
down heat exchange through windows.
• Replace older equipment with more energy-efficient appliances. This may include water heaters, wash-
ers and dryers, dishwashers, heaters, air conditioners, stoves, and refrigerators.
• Cut down on energy loss through items that are plugged in but not turned on. Unplug electrical equip-
ment when not in use.
• Add ceiling fans. A reversible ceiling fan can change the direction of the circulating air, and any ceiling
fan can redistribute the hot air during the winter or the cool air during the summer.
• Use electronic switches to turn on and off the heater and air conditioner.
• Buy a more fuel-efficient vehicle.
Maintain vehicles with proper tire inflation and tune-ups.
Energy Efficiency
The U.S. Department of Energy recently established the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
(EERE), with the goal of reducing U.S. dependence on foreign crude oil and developing technologies that pro-
mote energy efficiency for buildings, homes, transportation, power generation, and industry.
The EERE's role is to promote the research, development, and implementation of energy-efficient technologies
through investing in speculative research and development that may provide for the future energy needs of the
United States. Private investment in this sector is limited because of the high cost of research and the high risk
of the investments. The EERE works with state and local governments, national laboratories, universities, and
the private sector.
Energy Star
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