Environmental Engineering Reference
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A. A growing population with many young
B. A stable population with no growth
C. A population harshly impacted by disease during early-adult years
D. An aging population with few young
E. A population with few individuals entering the workforce
14. Which three components are used as a way to analyze how the environment is impacted by human use?
A. Culture, poverty, death rates
B. Technology, affluence, population
C. Pollution, chemicals, water use
D. Pollution, affluence, technology
E. Time, population, affluence
15. The demographic transition model was created to help explain the:
A. Shift in birth and death rates as Western nations became industrialized
B. Change in affluence throughout industrialization
C. Change in male-to-female ratios over time
D. Variation in immigration and emigration patterns during industrialization
E. Increase in birth rates at the beginning of the 20th century
1. D The other four answers played a role in the increase seen in the population after 1804. Infant mortality
is lower in developed countries. A high infant mortality rate may result in lower population growth.
2. A Death rates declined at a fast rate and were the primary reason for the population increase. Birth rates
declined later and at a slower rate than death rates.
3. D The Rule of 70 is used to determine the doubling time. The formula is
, where dt = doubling
and r = growth rate. So,
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