HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
* Returns the URI with which a authorization can be requested
* @return string The authorization endpoint URI with params
public function get_login_uri( )
* Returns the URI with which an access token can be generated
* @return string The access token endpoint URI with params
protected function get_access_token_uri( )
* Saves the access token in the session and as a class property
* @return bool TRUE on success, FALSE on failure
protected function save_access_token( )
* Makes a request using cURL and returns the resulting data
* @param string $uri The URI to be requested
* @return string The data returned by the requested URI
protected function request_uri( )
* Loads the basic user data, including name and email
* This method will be different for each OAuth authorized service,
* so it will need to be defined in the child class for the service.
abstract protected function load_user_data();
* Generates markup to display the user's profile image
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