HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
Adding the Answer Form View
Create a new file called and save it in system/views/ with the following markup inside:
<form method="post" class="answer"
action=" <?php echo $form_action; ?> ">
<input type="submit" value="Answer this question." />
<input type="hidden" name="question_id"
value=" <?php echo $question_id; ?> " />
<input type="hidden" name="room_id"
value=" <?php echo $room_id; ?> " />
<input type="hidden" name="nonce"
value=" <?php echo $nonce; ?> " />
This markup uses the variables set in output_answer_form() to generate the markup for presenters to mark
a question as answered.
Adding Styles for Voted and Answered Questions
Because a question that has been voted up or answered is no longer interactive, the buttons should no longer appear
clickable. Open assets/styles/main.css and insert the following CSS just above the media queries:
/* Voted and answered styles
#questions .voted .vote input {
background-position: left bottom;
width: 78px;
cursor: initial;
#questions .answered .answer input:active,
#questions .answered .answer input:hover,
#questions .answered .answer input:focus {
background-position: right top;
cursor: initial;
#questions .answered .vote input:active,
#questions .answered .vote input:hover,
#questions .answered .vote input:focus {
background-position: left bottom;
cursor: initial;
/* Transition effects
#questions li,#questions .vote {
-webkit-transition: opacity 1s ease-in-out;
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