HTML and CSS Reference
In-Depth Information
How Does it Work?
HTML5 is interpreted by the browser, which reads the HTML tags and assigns presentational styles. These can be
modified with CSS, which we'll cover next.
Because this topic assumes a working knowledge of htMl, only the new features of htMl5 that will be used
in this topic are going to be explained. If you need more information on htMl or htMl5, check out Beginning HTML5 and
CSS3 , 2 by Christopher Murphy, richard Clark, oli studholme, and Divya Manian.
eXerCISe 2-1: Create aN htML FILe USING htML5 taGS
here's a basic example of htMl5 markup using some of the new tags:
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>Realtime Web Apps &ndash; Exercise 02-01</title>
<h1><em>Realtime Web Apps</em> &ndash; Exercise 02-01</h1>
Published on
<time datetime="2012-05-28T20:26:00-07:00">May 28, 2012</time>.
This is an example HTML file to demonstrate really basic
HTML5 markup.
We're using several of the new HTML5 elements, including
the <code>&lt;section&gt;</code> and
<code>&lt;time&gt;</code> elements.
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