Database Reference
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The Oracle SOA Suite Version can be downloaded from Oracle's website.
Perform the following steps to complete the installation:
1. Extract all the disks from the ZIP archive into one folder and run
setup.exe from disk1 .
2. To avoid the install error message, provide the location of JDK/JRE while
running the setup.exe file from the command line. You will need to pass
jreLoc as a parameter to setup.exe , as shown in the following com-
mand line:
setup.exe -jreLoc
If you are installing JDK manually in a folder, select the entire file
path with no spaces. The installer won't recognize a folder name with
3. It will launch the install window, as shown in the following screenshot.
Click on Next . On the next window click on Skip Software Updates and
then click on Next :
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