Database Reference
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$cat /proc/version - Linux version
$cat /etc/redhat-release
$lsb_release -a
$uname -mrs
sysctl - a : This command allows you to change the kernel parameter
during boot time. The sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward="1" com-
mand will change the Linux kernel variable in /proc/sys/kernal/
sysrq .
vi /etc/sysctl.conf : This command modifies to make the changes
• The following command is used to find information from logfiles or direct-
$find / -type f -name '*search string*'
$slocate '*search string*'
Find and replace a file in linux
find ./ -name ".search string " | xargs
rm -Rf
# Use either of the following commands
to recursively perform a grep from the
current directory.
$find . \( -name '*' \) -print -exec
grep $1 {} \;
$find . -name '*' -exec grep $1 {} \;
$find . -name '*' -type f -exec grep -l
$1 {} \;
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