Database Reference
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The 32-bit operating system caps the conceptual heap size to around 4 GB. Individu-
al 32-bit operating system's JVM heap size varies anywhere from 2 GB to less than
4 GB. The 64-bit heap size restriction is very high and it can be assumed that it has
no restrictions for currently available server platforms. JVM parameters are a part of
SOA/WebLogic startup scripts or domain environment configurations.
A sample JVM configuration is as follows:
-Xms4096M -Xmx4096M -XX:PermSize=1024M
JVM troubleshooting tools
Some of the JVM troubleshooting tools are as follows:
Logfile messages : Gather more information from logfiles by adding ad-
ditional troubleshooting parameters as part of the JVM configuration.
• The sample JVM parameters that can be added as part of
the JVM configuration is -verbose:gc , -XX:+PrintGC ,
-XX:+PrintGCDetails,-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps ,
and -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
-XX:+PrintGC : Provides the basic information at every
garbage collection.
-XX:+PrintGCDetails : Provides the size of live objects
before and after garbage collection for the various genera-
tions, the total available space for each generation and the
length of time the collection took.
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