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The traditional network firewalls allow and block traffic based on the source and des-
tination IP addresses, also known as L4 firewall rules. In a service-oriented architec-
ture, we are exposing services to external vendors and consuming services from ex-
ternal vendors. These IP addresses based on L4 firewall rules will cause functional
issues whenever there is an IP address update without coordinating such changes.
The modern network firewall appliances allow site domain-based firewall rules, also
known as L7 firewall rules. It is an industry-leading practice to implement the L7 fire-
wall rules for SOA composite application(s) for smooth operations and maintenance.
in Intrusion Prevention System ( IPS ), also known as a Intrusion Detection and
Prevention System ( IDPS ) that monitors the network and system to identify, block,
and report malicious activities. It is highly recommended to enable IPS, or introduce
an inline network appliance for IPS, if you are exposing SOA services over the Inter-
Web Application Firewall
Web Application Firewall ( WAF ) is a hardware and software inline appliance or
server plugin that monitors HTTP conversation to identify, block, and report common
attackssuchas Cross-Site Scripting ( XSS ), Cross-Site Request Forgery ( CSRF ),
Distributed Denial of Service ( DDoS ), Buffer Overflow , and SQL Injection . It is
highly recommended to implement the inline WAF component for SOA composite
applications. The leading vendors for WAF are Imperva, F5, and NetScaler.
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