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You can also view the JVM performance details for the garbage collection activity by
adding the following parameters as part of the WebLogic start-up scripts:
-XX:+PrintGC : Outputs the basic information at every garbage collec-
-XX:+PrintGCDetails : Provides the size of live objects before and
after garbage collection for the various generations, the total available
space for each generation, and the length of time the collection took
-XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps : Provides a timestamp at the start of each
collection that helps us correlate garbage collection logs with other
logged events
Jmap ( -histo:live pid ): Prints memory-related statistics for a run-
ning JVM or core file
You are recommended to create a table with JVM parameters and its impact on the
word. In the tuning process always analyze GC activities for pause time, frequency,
and average memory footprint.
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