Information Technology Reference
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￿ resolves : An OWL Object Property. The relationship between a web server
that hosts a web representation, and the URI of the resource realized by that web
- owl:inverseOf resolvesTo
- rdfs:subPropertyOf accesses
- rdfs:domain WebServer
- rdfs:range URI
- hosts o ir:realizes o isIdentifiedBy
￿ locatedOn : An OWL Object Property. A relation between a web representa-
tion and a web server, indicating that the entity can be obtained by an HTTP
request to the web server.
- owl:inverseOf hosts
- rdfs:domain WebRepresentation
- rdfs:range WebServer
￿ encodedIn : An OWL Object Property. The relationship between an informa-
tion realization and its encoding. In the case of entities its range is the entity's
media type. So given an entity that has a component with a content type header
field set to a certain media type, that entity is encodedIn that media type.
- owl:inverseOf encodes
- rdfs:domain ir:InformationRealization
- comp:hasComponent o irw:hasValueMediaType
￿ redirectsTo : An OWL Object Property. The relationship between two URIs
wherein any requested entity is forwarded to the URI given as the object of this
- owl:inverseOf redirectedFrom
- rdfs:subPropertyOf accesses
- rdfs:domain URI
- rdfs:range URI
Modeling the Semantic Web and Linked Data
The Semantic Web is supposed to use URIs not only for hypertext documents but
also for abstract concepts and things. In order to model explicitly the redirection
solution to the 'Identity Crisis' by the W3C TAG, two distinct sub-properties of
redirectsTo have been added in a specific module of IRW 16 associated with
prefix tag: . This module contains the tag:redirects303To property and the
16 .
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