Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
￿ ont:ContentTypeSpecificResource : An OWL Class. A resource of
which all representations are encoded in the same Internet media-type, also called
- rdfs:subClassOf InformationResource
- owl:disjointWith ont:ContentGenericResource
- realizedBy only (WebRepresentation
(comp:hasComponent only (EntityBody encodedIn
exactly 1 MediaType)))
￿ ont:FixedResource : An OWL Class. A resource whose representation type
and content will not change under any circumstances.
- owl:equivalentTo (ont:ContentTypeSpecificResource
Hypertext Web Transactions
The typical Web transaction is started by an agent, given in IRW by a class
Agent , which is some client like a browser in the context of the Web (Jacobs
and Walsh 2004). This agent can issue a request ( requests ) through an entity
( http:sendsEntity ) containing a header field with, as value, the URI that the
request is acting upon ( hasRequestedURI ). This path is modeled in IRW by
means of a property chain axiom, asserted in the module devoted to HTTP, i.e.
http: . Note that requests serves as a hook to the alignment of IRW with
HTTP in RDF 13 as a URI corresponds to a response executed by a server which
returns an entity which includes a status code ( http:StatusCode ). Hence, we
also introduce the class WebServer for the generic notion of a web server ,which
has a resolves property. The property represents the resolution of a URI to a
concrete web server, which currently is done by mapping a URI to an IP address or
addresses via the Domain Name System (DNS). 14
Each WebServer resolves at least one URI , and for the resolution to be
successful, the web server has also to be the location of i.e. it hosts , at least one
WebRepresentation . This indicates that a web server concretely can respond
to an HTTP request with a particular web representation. Since requests and
resolves are all sub-properties of the transitive property accesses ,thispartof
the ontology models the physical and causal pathway between a given request for a
URI and a response with a web representation.
13 .
14 Although caching complicates this in actual deployments.
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