Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
sprinkler method, although soils with an intake rate below 0.2 in./h may require
special measures. Sprinklers are applicable to soils that are too shallow to permit
surface shaping or too variable for efficient surface irrigation.
Field Shape and Topography
In general, sprinklers can be used on any topography that can be farmed or cropped.
Land leveling is not normally required. Odd-shaped fields cannot be easily irrigated
with certain types of sprinkler systems such as center pivots.
Nearly all crops can be irrigated with some type of sprinkler system, though the
characteristics of the crop, especially the height, must be considered in system selec-
tion. Sprinklers are sometimes used to germinate seed and establish ground cover for
crops like lettuce, alfalfa, and sod. The light, frequent applications that are desirable
for this purpose are easily achieved with some sprinkler systems.
Water Quantity and Quality
Leaching salts from the soil for reclamation can be done with sprinklers using much
less water than is required by flooding methods (although a longer time is required
to accomplish the reclamation). This is particularly important in areas with a high
water table.
Both the center pivot and the linear move systems are capable of very high efficiency
water application.
Financial Involvement and Labor Requirement
Sprinkler irrigation requires high capital investment but has low irrigation labor
Advantages and Disadvantages
Advantages of sprinkler systems include the following: readily automatable, facili-
tates to chemigation and fertigation, reduced labor requirements needed for irriga-
tion. LEPA type systems can deliver precise quantities of water in a highly efficient
manner and are adaptable to a wide range of soil and topographic conditions.
A disadvantage of sprinkler irrigation is that many crops (citrus, for example) are
sensitive to foliar damage when sprinkled with saline waters. Other disadvantages
of sprinkler systems are the initially high installation cost and high maintenance cost
thereafter (when needed).
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