Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
- Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews
- Wind Engineering
- Journal of Applied Meteorology
- Agricultural & Forest Meteorology
- Biomass Bioenergy
- Resource and Energy Economics (Elsevier)
- Energy Sources (Taylor & Francis)
- Applied Energy
- Energy Policy
- Energy Conversion and Management
- Power System Research
- IEEE Trans. On Power Systems
- Trans. ASAE on Energy Conversion
- Journal of Hydrometeorology
- Journal of Climate & Applied Meteorology
- Bioresource Technology
- Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics
- Irrigation Science
- Natural Resources Research
- Sustainable Development
(1) What do you mean by renewable energy? Why renewable energy is important
at present day?
(2) How renewable energy can be used in irrigation water pumping?
(3) How you can assess the potential solar energy in your area/locality?
(4) Briefly explain how the electricity is produced from photovoltaic (PV) cells in
the presence of solar irradiance.
(5) What are the different types of photovoltaic system?
(6) Write down the steps (along with formula) to calculate the requirement of PV
cell for an irrigation scheme.
(7) Analyze the economic PV technology in your locality.
(8) Analyze the potentiality of wind energy as an energy resource in your area.
(9) What are the different types of wind machines?
(10) Narrate the criteria for selecting site for windmill.
(11) Briefly explain the mechanism of electricity production from wind energy.
(12) What is the mechanism of operating wind turbine/machine?
(13) Write down the equation for calculating wind power, and define the
(14) Write short note on the following:
Wave energy, tide mill, bio-energy, liquid biofuel, geothermal energy.
(15) Describe the working principle of watermill.
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