Agriculture Reference
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secondary drain would have to carry 15 of tertiary, and the main drain to carry
discharge of 4 secondary drain (of similar flow). It is required to maintain the
water table not lower than 1.0 m from the soil surface. The soil is uniform in
texture and other hydraulic properties. The value of K is 6 mm/d. A relatively
impervious layer exists at 1.8 m depth from the surface. Determine:
(a) drain spacing at tertiary level
(b) size of secondary and main drain pipe to carry the generated outflow
Assume standard value of any missing data.
(35) It is proposed to design a subsurface drainage system to leach water through
the root zone in an area where surface irrigation will be practiced with poor
quality water. Parallel perforated GI pipe drains are to be laid to a slope of 3 in
1,000, so that the drains could discharge freely into the main collector ditch.
Hydraulic conductivity of the soil is 10 mm/d. Calculate the drain spacing
required to meet the requirements given below.
Irrigation water EC
0.15 dS/m
Salt tolerance level
1.8 dS/m
Maximum crop rooting depth
0.8 m
4.0 mm/d
Assume standard value of any missing data.
Mean ET rate
Ali MH, Rahman MA (2009) Effects of different levels of salinity on wheat yield in a saline
area. Annual report for 2008-09, Bangladesh Institute of Nuclear Agriculture, Mymensingh,
Ayars JE, Christen EW, Hornbuckle JW (2006) Controlled drainage for improved water manage-
ment in arid regions irrigated agriculture. Agric Water Manage 86:128-139
Ayars JE, Grismer ME, Guitjems JC (1997) Water quality as design criteria in drainage water
management system. J Irrig Drain Eng 123:140-153
Christen EW, Skehan D (2001) Design and management of subsurface horizontal drainage to
reduce salt loads. ASCE J Irrig Drain Eng 127:148-155
Cook RA, Badiger S, Garcia AM (2001) Drainage equations for random and irregular tile drainage
systems. Agric Water Manage 48(3):207-224
Doty CW, Parsons JE (1979) Water requirements and water table variations for a controlled and
reversible drainage system. Trans ASAE 22(3):532-539
Donnan WW (1959) Drainage of agricultural lands using interceptor lines. J Irrig Drain Div Proc
ASCE 85:13-23
Dierickx W (1993) Research and developments in selecting subsurface drainage materials. Irrig
Drain Syst 6:291-310
Hoogoudt SB (1940) Bijdragen tot de kennis van eenige natuurkundige grootheden van den
grond. 7. Algemeene beschouwing van het problem van de detailontwatering en de infiltratie
door middle van parallel loopende drains, greppels, slooten en kanalen. Versl Land Onderz
Hornbuckle JW, Christen EW, Ayars JE, Faulkner RD (2005) Controlled water table management
as a strategy for reducing salt loads from subsurface drainage under perennial agriculture in a
semi-arid Australia. Irrig Drain Syst 19:145-159
ILRI (1973) Drainage principles and applications. Publication 16, Vol. II, ILRI Wageningen, The
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