Agriculture Reference
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LEACHC (Version of LEACHM)
A computer model can be used for irrigation scheduling and assessing the impacts
of various fresh and saline shallow water tables on soil salinity built up.
SIWM Model
SIWM (Salinity Impacts of Wetland Manipulation) model was developed in
Australia. The model uses a daily water and salt balance approach in attempt to
simulate wetland behavior.
SIMPACT (Salinity Impacts) model assess the salinity impacts of actions that
increase or decrease recharge to regional aquifers. The model was developed in
The simulation model SWAM can be used in classifying the waters, assessing their
suitability and evaluating management strategies for applying poor quality (saline)
waters for crop production. It was developed by Singh et al. ( 1996 ) , India.
SGMP Computer Model
It was developed in ILRI, the Netherlands, as a numerical groundwater simulation
model to quantify the amount of recharge from the top system to the aquifer and its
spatial variation and to assess its effects on water table depths.
SALTMOD Computer Model
It was developed in ILRI, the Netherlands, to predict long-term effects of ground-
water conditions, water management options, average water table depth, salt
concentration in the soil, groundwater use, drain and well water yields, dividing the
soil-aquifer system into four resources surface reservoir, soil reservoir (root zone),
an intermediate soil reservoir (vadose zone), and a deep reservoir (aquifer).
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