Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
It was developed in US Salinity Laboratory. It predicts the salinity, sodicity, and
toxic-solute concentration. It is a transient state model and is used for assessing
water suitability for irrigation which can incorporate the specific influences of the
many variables that can influence crop response to salinity, including, climatic, soil
properties, water chemistry, irrigation and other management practices.
It was developed in US Salinity Laboratory (USA). It is a one-dimensional solute
transport model, which simulates variably saturated water flow, heat transport, car-
bon dioxide production and transport, solute transport and multi-component solute
transport with major ion equilibrium and kinetic chemistry. UNSATCHEM package
may be used to analyze water and solute movement in the unsaturated, partially sat-
urated, or fully saturated porous media. Flow and transport can occur in the vertical,
horizontal, or in an inclined direction. This package is a good tool to understand
the chemistry of unsaturated zone in case of saline water use and development of
analytical model to predict the changes in groundwater and soil quality.
Simulates water and solute movement in three-dimensional variably saturated
media. It was developed by USDA Salinity Laboratory.
It was developed in ILRI, the Netherlands, for simulation of water management
system in arid regions (unsaturated flow model) which has the components as sub-
model DESIGN for water allocation to the intakes of the major irrigation canal,
sub-model WDUTY for estimation of water requirement at farm level, sub-model
REUSE for the water losses to the atmosphere, and WATDIS sub-model for water
distribution within the command.
CropSyst - Modified Version
CropSyst, a comprehensive crop growth/management model was modified for
assessing crop response and water management in saline conditions. It was done
at the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, Washington State University.
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