Agriculture Reference
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makers to design and target programs specific to the extent and the nature of the
Salinity mapping assists in
targeting salinity control activities
focusing on the areas with the best opportunity for cost-effective control
creating a database with saline areas specified by the legal land location
generating the color-coded salinity maps from the database
calculating the areas affected by each salinity type
applications at the provincial and farm levels
creating regional and provincial salinity maps and database
monitoring changes in salinity from provincial to farm level
targeting provincial soil salinity control programs
The salinity databases have a number of applications. Most importantly, the munic-
ipality can use the information to target its salinity control programs. Because
the information is in digital format, it is simple to calculate statistics on the
areas affected by the different salinity types. These statistics allow the munici-
pality to focus on those saline areas which can be easily controlled with low-cost
methods. Salinity Classification
The classification is helpful in salinity control programs because the cause of the
salinity determines which control practice is appropriate. Salinity may be classified
based on hydrogeology, surface water flow, geology, topography, and soils:
A: Classification based on causes/sources of salinity
B: Classification based on the development mode
C: Classification based on salt content or EC
A: Classification Based on Causes/Sources of Salinity
There are two different kinds of salinity visible around the world:
1. Groundwater fed salinity or Seasonal salinity
2. Saline soil or Permanent salinity
Groundwater Fed Salinity or Seasonal Salinity
In this category, salinity is groundwater fed with the rising and lowering of ground-
water. This happens mainly in low-rainfall area (dry area) and to seasonally dry
soil, caused by capillary rise of saline shallow underground water. Example is: the
eastern part of North Dakota, USA, which become saline in the dry part of the year.
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